Startup Read

4 reasons your startup will win with core brand values

Brand values have shown to be a significant differentiator for businesses of all sizes and in various sectors. They establish a culture that can compel potential partners and clients to work with you.  According to studies, more than 50% of executives concur that corporate culture can affect an organization in all aspects. This includes profitability, …

4 reasons your startup will win with core brand values Read More »

Business lessons from five fictional superhero characters

In the words of the American spiritual teacher, author, and philosopher, Vernon Howard, “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn, and you will.” As a startup owner, with a learner’s mindset, you can get life and business insights even from the least expected spaces. Below we highlight a few lessons …

Business lessons from five fictional superhero characters Read More »

5 current opportunities to consider for your startup

Access to funding is one of the biggest challenges facing entrepreneurs today, especially in Africa but upon research, we discovered that there are countless funding opportunities available for African entrepreneurs and beyond. Access to detailed information about these opportunities is also a challenge for most entrepreneurs, however, in this article we’ve taken the liberty to …

5 current opportunities to consider for your startup Read More »

Why your business needs an address.

A business address may not necessarily be the physical address, and is more than just an address that’s recognized by the post office. It plays a great role in establishing your company, cultivating relationships with clients and vendors, and continuing to do business going forward.

How to Build A Strong Startup Community.

It often starts  with one person who decides to support a brand-new company with nothing more to show than a passion for solving a problem.  Start building your community from the inside out, with your small team of employees, to your family and friends building on to customers and your wider business network.